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The Quarto Valley Records Group (QVR) mission is based on the same values that have guided QVR President and Founder Bruce Quarto to his successful career in business, the same family values with which he was raised – fairness, integrity, common sense and responsibility. He is, has been and always will be a man of his word.

His goal for QVR is to develop the label into a production, publishing and marketing group guided by these values in its relationships with artists, clients and customers alike. The QVR business ethic will operate on four cornerstones: Simple – Elegant – Powerful – Successful.


QVR is focused on utilizing the ever-developing 21st century cross-media opportunities to the maximum benefit of its artists, allowing their unique creativity to grow and prosper. As the future growth of the entertainment industry shifts to new revenue streams derived from new technology, the industry requires a new approach for marketing and a new blueprint for artist agreements. QVR is that new paradigm.


The structure of QVR agreements reflect a partnership between label and artist – a profit split after recoupment of agreed costs that is eminently fair, equitable, transparent and respectful. When QVR makes it… we all make it!


The QVR Group is presently funded solely by the resources of Bruce Quarto, whose leadership and business skills will create unique alternative funding opportunities for the future.


QVR provides the resources and incentives that allow our artists to freely create their music, to fulfill their dreams, to build great lives for themselves and their loved ones and to share in the fruits of their labor on an equitable basis with their label partner.


QVR – the business model for the future built on the vision of Bruce Quarto and the talent, dedication and experience of his hand-picked staff working in tandem with the talent, vision and dreams of its partner artists.


Simple – Elegant – Powerful – Successful – QVR!